Sunday, April 14, 2013

How to Solve ”An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again. Ignore warning”

Overcoming "An error message occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again". Some time, when we want our posts to publish a frequently post an error this message appears "An error message occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again". After re-check post we made, there was no error, where normally this message will appear if we mistakenly wrote any code tag, for example: we implement a feature or widget that uses the prefix <div> and they aren't at the end of the code so we close with close tag </ div> the message "An error message occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again" will appear naturally as a warning error in the writing of code in our template post.

But after a while, the message just shows up without any apparent reason. How come?
Actually, the emergence of this warning is not just a problem, it's just really annoying that in 30 seconds warning continues to appear more than once ... really disturbing concentration and the view when we were making a new post.

How to get rid of this message can actually be said to be easy => Click "Ignore warning", then it will disappear instantly. So what if they come up too?

Follow these tips on "Overcoming An error message occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again" the following:

1. If you believe my friend has finished writing the post and now it's time to publish, then click on the "save" (try to click the "publish" first, if it fails it has click the "save")
2. Now, please click on the part that I have marked in read the following ...
Furthermore buddy will be taken to the "all posts" (page editing all the posts, including: published posts and drafts). Here is a post that my friend who has successfully written but not yet published (illustration: draft post):
3. The next step, check the written post and click the "Publish". Done ...
Now post buddy has successfully published. If you still have problems ... please feel free to ask or comment, Thanks.


good artical for help me


Thanksa lot, it help me to publish my post of ThemappleStor :)


This article was really helpful.
