Friday, April 5, 2013

How to Increase Your Blog Traffic? - Tricks to Get More Traffic Via Google Search

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This Blog Post will describe Few tricks to increase your blog traffic from Google Search..After read this you will get answer for those below questions.

How to get more visitors to your blog via Google search?
How i can submit my website site map in Google index? 
How do I make sure my site can be found in Google search engine?
How to Get  my site Listed in Google Search ?
How to make my website searchable in Google?
How to Crawl your website in Google Search?
Do you want to your site to be found on the web or Google search ?. 

The answer is simple.Just Sign Up to  Google Web Master tools.

Webmaster Tools Improve your site's visibility in Google search results. It's free.Google Webmaster Tools provides you with detailed reports about your pages' visibility on Google.You will get Google's view of your site and diagnose problems and it see how Google crawls and indexes your site and learn about specific problems.You can View, classify, and download comprehensive data about internal and external links to your site with new link reporting tools. Find out which Google search queries drive traffic to your site, and see exactly how users arrive there.

1) First Add your site to Google webmaster tools account then add your sitemap to Google index.
To do this,
Sign in to Google webmaster tools with your Google account at: . If you don't have a Google account, you will need to create one.Then Press "ADD A SITE" button and enter your blog link and verify.
Google webmaster tool,google add site,free visitors

After add your website Then click your your URL,

Then Open Optimization > Sitemaps
At right side, add your site map as Google site index.Type your full site map URL in the provided field and click "Add Web Site map" button.

Then wait for about 2 or 3 days. Check Google by typing your website name in the search box with the word "site:" before the URL. Example: site: If it shows up in the result, it means that Google has indexed your website.

You can use your default blog RSS feed as your sitemap in Google Web Master tools.It is just like "http://Your Blog" . Replace Red highlighted area with your blog name, Or 
Just Create a sitemap file for your website. Site map file is a formatted file with an XML extension. It contains the URLs for all of your pages in your website. You can use free online or offline tools available to generate your site map file

2) Fetch important Site or blog page URLs 
To do this Open Health >Fetch as Google

Then add and Fetch your important blog page URLs  Here


  • Resubmit your site map file every time you make changes to your website. By resubmitting, you can always tell Google about your changes. 
  • After getting indexed by Google, increase the number of websites that link to your website and create more unique content to improve your website rankings.
  • Add More Pictures related to your article in your blog and Use image tags by using  alt="Your key word here". Search spiders do not see what an image looks like, so describe it with words.
  • Google Site maps provides a number of statistics about your website. You can use it to know how Google and people find your site. It is very useful to help you improve your website content. Consult the Google Site maps help for more information about this.